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A delivery courier from Dubai gave a customer AED 17,000 back!

A delivery courier from Dubai gave a customer AED 17,000 back!

Get ready for another epic Dubai tale coming your way!

Moving to a new country is already a whirlwind, but add a bit of extra chaos, and you’ve got an unforgettable story. That’s exactly what happened to a new Dubai local who had a wild ride after snagging an electric scooter on Noon!

Spoiler alert: it involved accidentally tipping the courier 15,300 AED—and somehow managing to get it all back!

Here’s the full scoop…
After spotting an electric scooter on Noon for 1,712 AED, the resident placed the order and eagerly awaited its arrival. The delivery went off without a hitch, and feeling all set, he handed the courier 1,712 AED plus a 38 AED tip. Or, at least, that’s what he thought.

In reality, exhaustion was a major factor in the mix-up. “I ended up with 1,000 AED bills instead of 100 AED ones and accidentally gave him 17,050 AED instead of 1,750 AED—so that’s 15,300 AED more. I didn’t even catch it because I was just so wiped out.”

But then the hero swooped in!
The courier messaged him on WhatsApp. “He told me I’d given him 17,000 AED. I couldn’t believe it. I’m from Poland, and there’s no way anyone would own up to getting that much money.” Amazed by the courier’s honesty, he was in disbelief. “I hadn’t even considered I’d given him that amount—he reached out all on his own.”

The courier eventually met up with the resident again and returned the money.

In the end, this wild story wrapped up with a happy ending…

The courier ended up meeting the resident again and returning every last dirham. All credit goes to the courier’s surprising integrity—something this new Dubai local will definitely never forget!


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