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Update: The UAE visa amnesty begins this week, here’s what you need to know

Update: The UAE visa amnesty begins this week, here’s what you need to know

An opportunity for those with expired visas to make a fresh start…

If you’re staying in the UAE with an expired tourist or residency visa and are concerned about growing fines or your next steps… we’ve got some fantastic news for you.

The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security (ICP) has revealed plans to offer an overstay amnesty. This comes on the heels of their successful five-month regularization initiative in 2018, which helped over 105,000 people benefit from services like fine waivers, the lifting of travel bans, and the issuance of departure permits.

UAE Visa Amnesty 2024

This new two-month amnesty will run from September 1, 2024, to October 31, 2024. During this grace period, overstayers will have the opportunity to ‘regularize their status’ without facing any penalties.

Am I eligible?

The ICP has confirmed that the amnesty will cover various visa categories, including expired residency and tourist visas, and, importantly, undocumented individuals.

However, individuals who entered the country illegally will not be eligible to benefit from the amnesty’s provisions.

What are my options?

There are essentially two options for resolution: either transfer your visa to a new sponsor and stay in the country legally, or leave the country without incurring penalties, fines, or receiving a ‘no-entry’ stamp.

On August 28, the ICP provided an update with more details about the amnesty, explaining how it will function and outlining the types of violations that will be covered under its scope.

How much will the service cost?

Nothing, the service will be free.

How do I begin the application process for the amnesty?

A report in The National stated that:

“In Abu Dhabi, you can apply at ICP centers located in Al Dhafra, Suwaihan, Al Maqam, and Al Shahama.”

“In Dubai, amnesty services will be available at Amer service centers and the immigration violators’ center in Al Awir.”

Some typing centers will also be available to help you with your application.

The ICP’s update has clarified that dependents on expired visas will also have the chance to update their status. Those choosing to leave the country will be issued a departure permit valid for 14 days, and Fingerprint Centers will have extended opening hours.

الهيئة الاتحادية للهوية والجنسية والجمارك وأمن المنافذ تعلن عن بدء تنفيذ مهلة تسوية أوضاع المخالفين رسمياً اعتباراً من يوم الأحد المقبل الموافق أول سبتمبر 2024 وحتى نهاية 30 أكتوبر 2024

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